Peppermint Oatmeal Crunch Cereal

I love oatmeal, but I love Oatmeal Cookies even more and when I learned how to add special flavorings to the recipes, building off of other recipes, I realized Oatmeal truly satisfies more than just a plain old breakfast mush mix – especially when I figured out they could be cooked into a crispy cereal and served with milk.

Oatmeal Cookies are simple to bake:
2 cups of Oatmeal
1/2 cup of White Sugar
1/2 cup of Brown Sugar
1/2 cup of Butter or Margarine
1 tbsp of Vanilla Extract
1 tsp Baking Powder
2 tbsp Water or Heavy Cream

Optional Ingredients
Flavoring Extracts or Essential Oils (Peppermint, Almond, Banana, Walnut)
Food Coloring – to change the color from Oatmeal Crisp, which is golden brown to Green, Red, Blue, or whatever – experiment)

Uses – Cookies, Cereal, Crunchy or Moist, Thin or Thick, Breakfast or Dessert

Oatmeal is not just a breakfast bowl mixed with water, sugar, and butter and Quaker is not the only brand option. I found making oatmeal cookies and cooking them extra longer, to a complete golden brown crisp – these tasty little cookies can be crumbled into a breakfast cereal and enjoyed as a delicious healthy bowl of yummy goodness, especially when cooked with special flavors and/or mixed with fresh ingredients like bananas, dried fruit, or other things, like chocolate chips and mint.

These are honest goodness and totally affordable!

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