Homemade Jam


Super sweet fruit jam with just a few inexpensive ingredients. With this recipe, you have the option of using fresh or frozen fruit; either way is delcious.


Fruit(s) – Strawberry, Raspberry, Blueberry, Grapes
Koolaid (that matches the fruit flavor) – just a few teaspoons, not the entire pack
Karo Syrup
Granulated Sugar

Boil the fruit in water; use your best judgement for the ratio of fruit to water in accordance with the amount of jam you plan to make from it. For a small jar, I used 1 cup of two different kinds of fruits and a full small saucepan of boiling water.

Smash the fruit after it’s boiled for a bit, until it becomes juicy. To make the jam completely smooth, you can blend the fruit first and then boil.

Add the ingredients and cool in the refrigerator until it completely gelitizes.

For creative fruit jams, consider adding hard candies to the boiling pot; such as butterscotch, cinnamon, peppermint, or even cough drops for health prevention.

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